Feb. 28 through March 2
Rock Falls Raceway
It Just Takes Minutes
It Just Takes Minutes
Register Today!
Please Register Early / We Have Limited Slots Available
We will again be having Lemans registration online to alleviate the rush and crowding in the registration office on Friday and Saturday. Early registration allows race staff more time to prepare and get information entered into the timing system before race day, so we can start and finish on time. Remember you can save $5.00 per entry if you pre-Register.
Deadline for Online Pre-Registration: 5:00pm on Wednesday February 26 before race day
Registrations and payment need to be submitted by 5:00 pm online.
Please fill out the required information and make payment below...
We will have Friday night registration at Rock Falls Raceway starting at 1:30. Practice (Test and Tune) Starts at 1:30.
Please Direct All Race Related Questions To Jeff at
Email: chevyfanfamily@hotmail.com
Phone After 4:00pm: 715 - 828 - 9738
Note: Early registration helps our staff prepare for all aspects of the event including
track prep, pit preparation, plowing, parking, food/beverage.
Payment reserves your spot.
Snow Course $25
Class TBD
​​​ Payout Based on Number of Entries
Border Battle / Tug of War $20
​​Classes TBD
Payout Based on Number of Entries -
Snowdeo Barrel Race: Timed $25
ATV / Snowmobile / UTV
​ Classes TBD
Payout Based on Number of Entries -
Snirt Truck Drag Race : $20
Classes TBD
Open Class Prize/Trophy - 1st in each class
Note: All Races Are Designated as "FUN COMPETITIONS"
These are not sanctioned races and are not designed to be.